Advanced training and workshops
Find out more about upcoming Workshops and Advanced Teacher Trainings (300hr Pathway).

25 hour Breath and Pranayama 'Understanding the Breath'
‘Harnessing the breath for health, healing and awakening.’

25 hour Meditation Training ‘Unveiling Happiness’
‘An in depth exploration into the practice of Meditation’

Meditation Pure and simple
Description: If you have an interest in meditation and are looking for some support for your practice, this workshop is for you. We’ll cover basic things like finding a comfortable seat, we'll look at what to do with challenging thoughts and emotions and ultimately we'll learn to sense into a part of us that is innately whole and always at peace. The approach we'll take in this workshop is the ‘direct path’ as outlined in nondual meditation. These teachings outline the most 'pure and simple' way for us to recognise an innate sense of ease that remains with us regardless of life’s ups and downs.
Location: Gertrude st Yoga
Price: $75 ($65 for Gertrude st Members)
Sequencing with Intention
Date: 19-21st of May
Location: The Ashtanga Yoga Center, 110-112 Argyle st Fitzroy
Accreditation: 25 hour Yoga Alliance accredited training
Cost: $600 (sign up link below)
Times: 8am-5pm (each day)
Teachers: Ryan Mannix and Chris Wilson
Course Aims:
To provide structure, tools and coaching that will help teachers to sequence their classes in a way that best serves their intention.
To provide a framework for teachers to work within, so that they can create their own sequences, using these learnings.
Learning Objectives:
Create and teach Intention inspired sequences
Develop a clear understanding of the building blocks that make up a sequence and how each of these building blocks influence the outcome
Create and vary sequences based on:
• Peak Postures
• Energetic Intention
Join Ryan Mannix and Chris Wilson for this closer look at some of the Fundamental Yoga Poses
We will be going into fine detail, breaking down postures into their alignment, anatomy, what to watch out for and how to modify.
Find out more about our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher training. Training content and intention, location, what sets us apart, upcoming dates and cost.