On demand videos
What is your body and Mind asking for?

A more dynamic soul cleansing flow that marries the movements of your body with breath. This section is divided into: ‘Energise and Strengthen’, ‘Ground and Stabilise’, ‘Refine your Asana’ and ‘Learn the Fundamentals’. Each class is unique and will vary from teacher to teacher.
A practice inviting us to yield and cultivate a sense of calm and inner peace. Postures are held for longer periods of time with the support of props to allow passive stressing of the connective tissues of the body. This approach promotes an increase in flexibility both physically and mentally.
In these classes you'll be guided through simple yet powerful techniques to support you in navigating the body, breath, mind and emotions. A heads up - meditation is not always ‘tranquil’, however if you stick with it the benefits are limitless. Find Meditation, Breath focus and Yoga Nidra classes.
Recorded Live Classes
Recordings of our Live classes with our teachers originally shared via Zoom.
Pre and Post Natal
These classes are designed with our pregnant and post natal Goddesses in mind. Please check with your doctor before commencing any yoga practice and always listen to your body avoiding over exerting, compressing and twisting.
Yoga Talks
Informative Conversations with great teachers on all things Yoga.