Yin Yoga is practiced from a place of yield and surrender.
Postures are held for longer periods of time with the support of props to allow passive stressing of the connective tissues in the body. This approach promotes an increase in flexibility both physically and mentally.
Deep Rest through the Hips: 38 mns
This class invove longer holds with Dragon lunges and Sleeping Swans (pigeon). These can bring a little fire, however well worth it fort he deep ease that follows. You may need some padding for the knees and a bolster is handy.
Shoulders Upper Back and Breath: 45mins
This practice with Chris incorporates 1-2 minute holds in poses that target the neck, shoulders and upper back. We’ll also use the breath to encourage a ‘deeper sense of lightening the load’ that we may carry in these areas. You will need 2 blocks for this practice.
Yin Rinse: 41 mins
A yummy practice that starts with a rinse of the spine, and flows down to the outer hips, low back, and inner groins. This is a shorter practice that touches all the key areas.
Shoulders and Breath: 41 mins
Join Chris for a class focused on opening the upper back and shoulders. This class also targets the lung meridian and includes some pranayama to help us breath more freely.
Release Your Neck: 33 mins
This practice focuses on easing tension from our chest, shoulders and neck (sigh...).
Yin Practice for Anxiety - 39 mins
A practice focused on Liver and Gallbladder / Spleen and Stomach meridian pathways, to gently ease frustration and anxiety.
Yin Stretch - Hips and Hamstrings, 43 Mins:
Omg so juicy, so yummy. This is a favourite of mine! These are two of the most requested areas of focus in a yin practice, being notoriously sticky and stubborn. We feel so much better in everyday movement patterns once we start to create space along the back chain of tissue, around our lower back, our butt, and the back of our legs. You're welcome!
Feel Good Faves: 30 mins
This is a compilation of my favourite "feel good" yin poses, all in one simple practice!
Yin for Healthy Lungs: 52 mins
Our lungs are the main organ with which we bring in and release energy to the world around us, they are the frontline. In this practice, using pranayama and simple stretches, we aim to open all the corners of our lungs to promote vibrancy and health. Props needed: 2x blocks and a bolster (or equivalent).
Tech Neck Stretch - 37 mins
Join Cassie for this anecdote for our lives spent in forward orientation - those long hours at the computer, carrying children, driving... An easy stretch class to bring mobility and nourishment to joints and tissue of our thoracic spine (chest and shoulders) and cervical spine (neck).
Get it Yin - 30 mins
This short, prop free yin yoga practice has been designed so you can practice anywhere, perfect if you're short on time. We focus on the sideline body, activating the gallbladder and liver meridians. Enjoy!
Restorative Meditative Practice - 50 mins
Join Kate for a gentle practice, with poses for opening the chest and inner and outer leg lines.
Heart Opening Yin - 31 mins
The intention of this practice is to open into the heart space, create a sense of spaciousness so we can get out of our head and nestle into our heart and move our body with a little more ease.
Settle into the present Yin - 30 Mins
Join Patch for a gentle yin practice beginning with seated breath work and a focus on bringing the mind back to the present moment.
Feel the Earth - 43 Mins
Join Chris for a grounding yin sequence, this class opens the hips in all directions and prepares the body for meditation.
Hip hip hooray! 28 mins
Join Rach Mellican for a hip focussed yin practice that will have you celebrating!
Hanging in the Heart Space - 56 mins
Join Kate for an almost hour long practice of guided meditation, with a few yin poses focussed on creating space around the heart.
Yin to Bed - 23 mins
Join Sammy while you create space to wind down from your day to your sleep, utilising yin shapes.
Nourish the Spine - 40 mins
A practice to nourish the many different ways the spine moves. Grab your mat, a blanket + commence.

A soul cleansing flow that marries the movements of your body with breath. These classes build strength, flexibility, and concentration. You’ll cleanse the body and calm the mind. Each class is unique and will vary from teacher to teacher.
Meditation practice helps us to cultivate a deeper understanding of who we are. In these classes you'll be guided through simple yet powerful techniques to support you in navigating the body, breath, mind and emotions.
These classes are designed with our pregnant and post natal Goddesses in mind. Please check with your doctor before commencing any yoga practice and always listen to your body avoiding over exerting, compressing and twisting especially.