Progress your asana
These classes are about refining your Asana - learn tricks of the trade from world class teachers.
Workshop for Crow - 35 mins
It's a strong one! Join Ryan Mannix for a short practice building to crow pose. This practice not only trains the body but also gives an opportunity to notice habitual patterns of the mind.
Advanced Arm Balance Practice: 60 mins
A practice to open up our hips so we can forward-bend the balancing-shelf of our shoulders behind our knees (omg) for the arm balances Astavakrasana (Eight Angle Pose), Bhujapidasana (Shoulder Press Pose) and Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose).
Twisting Arm Balances - 63 mins
This practice focuses on the technique and preparation for the twisted arm balances - Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow), Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 (Twisted Scissor Leg, named after the sage Koundinya) and Dwi Pada Koundinyasana (double leg). We are doing all three because the setup is the same, and playing with changing the leg variations is a good way to challenge (and so it follows to increase) stability in the structure.
Arm Balance: Crowe and Side Plank -50 mins
In this little lighthearted flow we focus on two arm balances that are in a lot of general level classes - Bakasana (Crow Pose) and Vasisthasana (Side Plank). We look at beginner level entry points and conditioning, and progress to Level 2 options.
The trick with Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) - 18 mins
Join Kate for this run though of the magic of Triangle Pose. Kate runs through the anatomy, and key alignment points.
Up Dog (Urdva Mukha Svanasana) - 25 mins
Join Kate for a lesson on how to do Urdvha Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog). This Asana Lab also includes discussion on how to transition from Chaturanga - without putting the low back or wrists under undue pressure.
Low Plank (Chatauranga) - 25 mins
Join Kate for a tutorial on Chaturanga (high plank to low plank) with lots of cues and tips for keeping the wrists and shoulders feeling healthy.
Inversion Series - One (Handstand) 45 mins
The first of three inversion classes with Cassie. This one focuses on handstand because handstand is the simplest in form and it’s set up provides excellent conditioning for inversions in general. We begin with 2 versions of L-stand at the wall, then kicking up at the wall we do a timed-hold. We try a simple tuck-lower off the wall to feel how lowering can help us get stronger, and then take the tuck off the wall for some play.
Inversion series - two (Headstand): 50 mins
While headstand (Sirsasana) is the most complex active inversion in form (because it involves the neck in its foundation) it is a good stepping stone to learning the tricky aspect of balance. This is because as we learn to stay upside down for longer we can begin to understand our posture while everything is literally turned on its head. In this practice we will learn healthy, even therapeutic, alignment for a solid foundation of Sirsasana (both 1 and 2), as well as some stepping stones for growing our experience with it.
Inversion series - three (Forearm Stand - Pincha Mayurasana) 47 mins
I saved my favourite to last - it is so fun:). I love pincha because it gives me a bit of time to be active and strong, upside down. It is a LOT easier to balance in pincha over handstand, being a lot lower to the ground than handstand AND having the benefit of the full forearm length (and not just the hands) as the foundation. The difficulty in Pincha Mayurasana is developing shoulders that are mobile enough to hold their position above your head while being strong enough to do so under load. So, this will mostly be a conditioning prep for both stability and mobility in the shoulders, as well as core stability and hamstring flexibility.
Revolved Half Moon Pose - 14 mins
Join Kate for a tutorial on Parvritta Ardha Chandrasana (revolved half moon pose). This is a challenging pose and Kate offers some helpful tips to make it more easeful.
Head to Knee Forward Bend - 21 mins
In this class Kate breaks down Janu Sirsanana. A powerful pose with many benefits when practiced effectively.
Crowe Pose - 12 mins
Join Jodie for this tutorial on Bakasana (Crowe Pose). A yoga block (or large book) will be helpful for this class.
Downward facing dog: 16 mins
Join Kate for a thorough break down of one of the most popular poses Adho Mukha Svanasa (Downward Facing Dog)
Exploring Backbends - 7 mins
Join Chris for this short tutorial on the benefits of backbends and how to practice them safely and most effectively.
Shoulder Stability - 30 mins
In this class Ryan dives into the shoulders joint. You’ll be educated about the anatomy of the shoulders and how to move safely and therapeutically in class.