We are a place where yoga and meditation are taught from the heart. ‘From the heart’ means to share and explore from your own felt experience. We use this practice to help us recognise our inherent wholeness. We see yoga not as a means to get somewhere, rather as a deep intimacy with life as it is.


Tune in
Listen deep
Practice courage
Live your values
Accept what is
Remember Truth
At the heart of it all... there's love.


Yoke is a safe space for all - curious and seasoned yogis alike - to connect and grow. Our caring community is supportive and welcoming.



Our passion is inspiring. We celebrate all things Yoga without discrimination and recognise that it's all yoga! 


We act with heart, warmly embracing our vulnerability and supporting others to do the same.  We bravely align with our values to live a life of purpose and fulfilment. 


We’re all One! We each have our own unique dharma - lessons to learn and gifts to give. We respect and honour each other on the path.


We are not here to seek perfection, to change or fix anything. We are here, rather, to drop the search and soften into the truth of this moment so that we may remember the bliss that we already are.