Energise and Strengthen 40-90 mins
Classes to get you motivated
Twist and Nourish the Spine: 50 mins
This class with Cassie heads in the direction of Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 (revolved Koundinyasana). The main movement will be twists, which help to keep our spine vital, healthy and nourished.
Arm balancing fun with Bhujapidasana + Tittibhasana: 56 mins
These two arm balances follow along so well together you almost don’t get credit for doing two! (Just kidding, you totally do :)) We will head to handstand first and then focus on opening up our inner hips in a two part-fun flow that leads to these two gems.
Awaken the Heart, Shoulders and Upper Back 43 mins:
A slow flow with fluid vinyasa to lubricate the upper back and shoulder region. We focus on taking refuge in the present moment, to take a break from thinking and slide into listening. This practice includes a lot of breath and the use of props (two blocks or a beach towel/blanket).
Move from the Heart: 53 mins
A flow with alignment and intention focused on moving from the heart. This is a heart opening practice with lots of lateral bends and back bends.
Start Where you Are: 55 mins
A slow moving yet energising practice poses that open the side body, and chest.
This Body is Free - 51 mins
Join Emma for a Vinyasa practice crafted to help you remember the freedom that exists through connection with the body and the breath.
Thoracic Flow - 45 Mins
Join Ryan for this flow to open up the upper back and Flow. This class starts with pranayama and moves into intelligent sequencing and flow.
Conditioning Vinyasa - 63 mins
Join Cassie for a simple yet powerful sequence with focused cueing so you can refine your efforts and feel it a little bit deeper. We working the key action of thoracic extension, which is essentially drawing the shoulders back to create space in the mid-upper spine for back bending.
Harness Strength - 42 mins
Join Chris for this class that focuses on the building resilience and strength. This sequence uses Bandhas, breath holds and a stronger sequence to have you feeling focused and ready for the day ahead.
Twist and Shout - 45 mins
An energising vinyasa focusing on twists to create length in the spine and a sense of openness in the body.
Heart Alive - 48 min
A heart opening practice focusing on back bending and strengthening the core to find chapasana pose.
Vinyasa Level 2 - 50mins
Join Cassie for a practice that has a bunch of juicy things.. a little stag handstand moment, a twisted scissor leg arm balance moment, and a balancing back bend moment.. press play >> and have fun!
Fierce Grace - 65 mins
Join Monica for this powerful slow moving class. This is more of a balanced class with all spinal movements incorporated, there are plenty of options to go deep and to back out as you need.
Pincha mayurasana with Lotus - 63 mins
This is an advanced class where Cassie gets right into the nitty gritty of forearm balancing. There are many steps along the way so all levels will have access. Cassie says that the class is half an hour at the start (she gets in the zone and goes for 63 mins!)
Your Natural State of Om - 64 mins
In this dynamic flow we build up to the advanced arm balance pose Ashtavakrasana (looks similar to side plank with legs wrapped around arm). Happy flowing
Advanced Arm Balance Practice: 60 mins
A practice to open up our hips so we can forward-bend the balancing-shelf of our shoulders behind our knees (omg) for the arm balances Astavakrasana (Eight Angle Pose), Bhujapidasana (Shoulder Press Pose) and Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose).
Twisting Arm Balances: 63 mins
This practice focuses on the technique and preparation for the twisted arm balances - Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow), Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 (Twisted Scissor Leg, named after the sage Koundinya) and Dwi Pada Koundinyasana (double leg). We are doing all three because the setup is the same, and playing with changing the leg variations is a good way to challenge (and so it follows to increase) stability in the structure.
Arm Balance: Crowe and Side Plank -50 mins
In this little lighthearted flow we focus on two arm balances that are in a lot of general level classes - Bakasana (Crow Pose) and Vasisthasana (Side Plank). We look at beginner level entry points and conditioning, and progress to Level 2 options.
Strong and Steady - 49mins
Join Cassie for this active practice that will get your blood and breath happily flowing, with a couple of level 2-ish moments in Sirsasana 1 (Headstand), the scissor leg arm balance Eka Pada Koundinyasa 2, and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-Facing Bow or Wheel pose).
Slow and Deep - 45 mins
This class with Kate is more of a balanced flow meaning it includes backbends, forward bends, sidebends and twists to open the spine in all directions. This one moved slow and deep.
Shoulder Love - 61 mins
Join Chris for a comprehensive shoulder conditioning class. You may need a strap (or tea towel) and block (or large book) for this class. This class works towards wheel pose.