Ground and stabilise 40-90 mins

Classes to bring you back to earth

Elements: Water, Earth


Low Back Stabilser: 45 mins

This class has an anatomical focus of stabilising the low back, and an energetic focus of grounding, and making friends with the sensations in the body. We start with some breath and meditation. Enjoy!

Yoga For Runners: 55mins

Join Chris for this practice that focuses on the hips, glutes, quads and hamstrings. A slow moving practice with some breath at the start to warm things up.

Keep it Simple - 45 mins

This class with Chris is more of a ‘freedom style’ practice where we move more slowly with the intention of following the feelings in the body as a guide. This class starts with a short seated meditation, and moves towards triangle as the peak pose. Simple and deep.

Grounding Flow: 60 mins

A practice to bring stability when things feel a little turbulent. We focus on lengthening the exhale, and stabilisation through longer nourishing holds. This practice finishes with the option for seated Pranayama.

Freedom Yoga - 62 mins

Join Chris for a Freedom yoga practice. Freedom Yoga is where we learn to listen inwardly for guidance and move as we are promoted. This practice includes guided meditation, a short talk, guided asana and a section to move in your own way: to listen inwardly and move as you are prompted. During the freedom yoga part you may like to play some music. Enjoy!

Who Am I? - 42 mins

In this practice we get curious about impermanence and use this enquiry to help grapple with the big philosophical question of Who Am I?

Yin Yang Embodied Kidney Flow - 52 Mins

In this flow with Christina, explore the relationship of your kidneys and middle back to your legs and feet. We use this pathway to find support as we move through a short strong flow and then cool down with some yin poses.

Slow and Deep - 45 mins

This class with Kate is more of a balanced flow meaning it includes backbends, forward bends, sidebends and twists to open the spine in all directions. This one moved slow and deep.

Freedom in the Hips - 50 mins

Join Chris for a class with a focus on opening up the hips in all directions. Expect some flow and slow deep holds.

Titibhasana Flow - 60 mins

Join Monica for a hippy flow including a cheeky little arm balance and optional meditation at the end.

How to Let Go - 43 mins

Join Chris for a class with a focus on strengthening and stabilising the low back as well as inviting a feeling of physical and emotional release.

Balancing Practice: 70 mins

Join Claire Hosking for a balancing practice moving through some deep twists and awakening poses to more restful shapes and stillness.

Chill Flow - 50 mins

Join Cassie for this simple and gentle practice with just enough juice to get you going. We start with Nadi Shodona pranayama and finish with a lovely supported high bridge, in between is all kinds of goodness.

Attentive and Open: 50 mins

Join Kate for a slow flow, inviting us to be attentive and open.

Side Plank and Crowe - 50 mins

These two poses are great for building stability in the body. In this progressive flow we look at beginner level entry points and conditioning, and progress to more challenging options.

Twisting Arm Balances: 63 mins

This practice is largely around building stability and technique and preparation for the twisted arm balances - Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow), Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 (Twisted Scissor Leg, named after the sage Koundinya) and Dwi Pada Koundinyasana (double leg). We are doing all three because the setup is the same, and playing with changing the leg variations is a good way to challenge (and so it follows to increase) stability in the structure.