Vinyasa Classes to get you motivated
Soulful Backbends - 32 mins
In this class we start with some longer holds and move into a sweet flowing class with a movement from mellow to deeper heart openers.
Morning whole body flow - 26mins
This short vinyasa sequence has flavours of the Ashtanga style vinyasa. The practice incorporates all types of movement and touches most of the body. A good one to get you motivated in the morning.
Breath to Awaken - 30 mins
This class with Chris incorporates Kapalabhati breath to stir up the energy, and uses a steady flowing simple class to awaken.
Energy Boost: 35 Mins
This class focuses on backbends, lateral bends and building the inhale. This combination leads to a boost in energy and vitality - enjoy!
Awaken the Heart, Shoulders and Upper Back 43 mins:
A slow flow with fluid vinyasa to lubricate the upper back and shoulder region. We focus on taking refuge in the present moment, to take a break from thinking and slide into listening. This practice includes a lot of breath and the use of props (two blocks or a beach towel/blanket).
Morning wake up flow - 28 mins
Join Ryan for this short asana practice as a great way to start the day! The asana will help awaken the body and the sheer pranayama at the end will help you start kickstart the day feeling energized and centered.
Open body, stable mind - 20 mins
Join Nickie and Ash for a creative sequence that opens all area’s of the body and challenges our sense of balance.
Side Body Strong - 37 mins
Join Patch for a vinyasa focusing on the shoulders and side body with lots of options to challenge yourself. Some interesting transitions and fancy poses here.
Side Slide - 24 mins
Join Maud for this sweet flow to awaken the side body. As always moving fluidly with breath. This sequence is ideal to spark some new energy. Enjoy!
Morning Ritual - 32 mins
Join Maud for this class with embodied movement and breath, to cleanse, to awaken.
Welcome it in, 31 mins:
This is a whole body flow incorporating movement of the spine in all directions. A class to help us to welcome what is with open arms.
Wake up and Decompress 22 mins:
Join Chris for this that includes some flowing sun salutations and longer holds. We’ll also take ‘conscious pauses’ during the practice to deliberately decompress and open to more spaciousness.
Full Body Vinyasa 30 mins:
This might simply be your warm up practice, or it could be your full practice for the day. Either way, we will touch all the sides in this full body awakening practice.
Strong and Steady - 40 mins
A 40 min flow practice with Ash targeting the glutes & hip flexors. This practice is a good one for building strength while staying focused through the breath.
Sun B + Vasisthasa Flow 37 mins
A non-stop flow to get you warmed up and ready to go, with simple sun salutations to start followed by a Sun Salutation B flow mixed in with side plank variations. We finish with Pincha Myurasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana for kicks. You won't need any coffee this morning!
Heart Opening: 36 mins
A practice with Jodie based on chest opening and finding clear focus using your eye gaze - drishti.
Alive with Energy: 30 mins
Join Zoe for this short but sweet energising vinyasa practice. This class has a strong breath focus to promotes a sense of aliveness in both the mind and body.
Dynamic Vinyasa: 40 mins
Join Ryan and connect with movement and the breath in this short vinyasa practice.Awakening the body and steadying the mind.
Harnessing Strength: 42 mins
Join Chris for this class that focuses on the building resilience and strength. This sequence uses Bandhas, breath holds and a stronger sequence to have you feeling focused and ready for the day ahead.
Embodiment: 38 mins
Join Kate for this short flow that incorporates smooth flow, long holds and some challenging poses liker Crow Pose (Bakasana) and Revolved Triangle (Parvritta Trikonasana). A block may be helpful for this one.
Wake and Motivate: 21 mins
In this short practice with Chris you will focus on back bends and building the inhale breath to build alertness and motivation.
Dynamic Playfulness: 30 mins
Join Jodie for this strong class that incorporates poses to open and strengthen through the inner thighs. A good leg burn to fuel your day.
Slow lift off: 33 mins
Join Rach for this class that moves slow and builds to some juicy back bends including Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Wake Me Up Before You Go Flow: 28 mins
An enlivening morning flow class with Kate.
Yoga Flush: 15 mins
Join Ash Dickinson for a quick flow - think of it as a reset for the system.
Fluid: 25 mins
Join Nickie for a short fast pace flow practice, we start by opening the wrists and upper back, then progressively strengthen and unwind the rest of the body.
Short intelligent flow: 37 mins
Join Cassie for a dynamic fun class with masterful sequencing and sharp alignment.
Fire in the Belly: 40 mins
Join Kate for a Vinyasa sequence focussed on bringing energy and attention to the navel centre for clarity and to strengthen inner knowing.
Side Body Love: 30 mins
A flowing class to stretch and open the side body and twist the spine.
Dancers Flow: 30 mins
Join Jodie for a short flow to open your chest, shoulders and hips for Natajarasana - Dancers Pose.
Energising Flow: 26 mins
This fluid yet steady flow is designed to help energise and revitalise the body and mind.
Natural Flow: 30 mins
Join. Kate for this class that gets straight to it! Kate weaves a beautiful awakening sequence together born out of her passion and love for the practice.